Upcoming Webinars

home office
As more and more employees begin teleworking as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, more companies are offering professional development webinars you can take from home online.
Here are some training and support offerings from Compass Consulting and The Athena Group:
For those of you who missed the last Compass Consulting webinar, here is the recording of the Manage Stress during Difficult Times webinar:
Manage Stress during Difficult Times
1-hour Webinar
Facilitated by Amy Leneker
The Athena Group is offering various types of support from expert coaches and consultants, including free online webinars, resources for managers, coaching consultations and more. Explore current support . This web page will be continuously updated as new challenges and needs arise.
Centering Sessions Live Online Guided Meditation
Thursdays 10:00 – 10:30am PDT Starting April 9 Donation-Based
“We know you are holding a lot, both personally and professionally, and we know proven tools that can help. Whether you’re new to meditation or are a seasoned practitioner, you are welcome to join us for live, online, guided meditation sessions. These short sessions are open to all, so you can regroup, center yourself and find the ground under your feet.” This training does not have a set fee, as it is donation based.  >>> Click here to learn more & reserve your seat.