
Communications Subcommittee

Our Goal

To serve as an information source for ICSEW members, perspective ICSEW members and state employees. To communicate information about ICSEW initiatives and activities to ICSEW members and share information from other state agencies and organizations that align with ICSEW's mission and values.

What We Do

We use our communications platforms to promote ICSEW events and initiatives, share news from the Governor’s office about policies and initiatives that impact state employed women.

The communications subcommittee executes these goals through timely updates to ICSEW’s website, articles shared on ICSEW’s blog, InterAct, and social media posts, and bulletins to subscribers on our GovDelivery list. The communications subcommittee also helps coordinate communication technology during virtual meetings.

Our Members

Employment Security Department

Simone Smith is a Human Resource Consultant at the Employment Security Department and is new to state service. Simone is eager to connect and support other state employees and is thrilled to lead the Communications Committee. Simone is dedicated to promoting the messages of advocacy, diversity, and leadership.

Subcommittee Members

Allison Spector, Department of Transportation

Birgit Miller, Department of Revenue

Kim Anderson, Department of Health

Jessica Webb, Department of Revenue

Julie Hyde, Department of Health

Keri O' Connell, Department of Revenue

Michelle Stillings, Department of Social and Health Services

Rae Simpson, Department of Corrections

Blog Submission Guidelines

ICSEW welcomes guest submissions on our blog, InterAct. Articles and photos are accepted on a rolling basis. Articles must adhere to InterAct’s submission guidelines. If your article includes photos, you must get permission from the photographer, as well as any identifiable individuals in the photos, to release images to ICSEW.

Blog submissions should be emailed to Please include “INTERACT BLOG” in the subject line.

Helpful resource: The Office of Financial Management's Writing Style Guide for government publications.


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