November 2020 Meeting Preview
Legislature and Getting to Know Your Subcommittees

Joanna Eide, assistant director of government and external relations for the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises, OMBWE, will give a presentation on the Washington state legislature at the ICSEW’s November meeting. Following her presentation, meeting attendees will be divided into breakout rooms to learn about the ICSEW’s subcommittees and participate in interactive subcommittee work.
The meeting will take place via Zoom and streamed on Facebook Live from 8:30 a.m. to noon Tuesday, November 17.
About Joanna Eide: Eide joined OMBWE as its government and external relations director of January of 2020. Eide also serves as the agency’s tribal liaison as well as its small business liaison. Prior to OMBWE, Joanna was the legislative director at the Department of Natural Resources, where she developed, managed, and oversaw all legislative affairs for the agency. Prior to DNR, she was the Policy and Rules Coordinator and Tribal Liaison at the Liquor and Cannabis Board.
Subcommittee Breakout Room Instructions
ICSEW representatives and alternates will need to select a subcommittee at the time of registration. The registration link will have the option to select a subcommittee. You will be assigned to the subcommittee you selected at the time you register. If you select “uunsure” to which subcommittee to learn about/join, you will have the option to select one during the meeting.
Note: All ICSEW representatives are required to serve on at least one subcommittee during their term. The ICSEW has eight subcommittees to choose from: communications, conference, legislative & policy, membership, mentorship, professional development, public outreach and partnerships. Descriptions on the subcommittees’ work can be found here or by visiting each subcommittee page.
Registration Information
Zoom: To participate via Zoom, please register for the meeting on EventBrite. you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link.
The agenda will be posted to the ICSEW current agenda page at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Facebook Live: To attend the meeting via Facebook, please visit the ICSEW’s Facebook page at the time of the meeting. A recording of the meeting will also be posted to the ICSEW’s Facebook page under the videos tab a couple of days after the meeting.
Meeting Etiquette
Please refrain from using the video function during presentations. Due to a high volume of attendees, it can put a strain on broadband and disrupt the audio and visuals of the presenters. We welcome—and encourage—you to turn your cameras back on during smaller group breakout sessions.