

Mentorship Subcommittee

Our Goal

In 2019-2020, ICSEW conducted a multi-agency mentorship program for ICSEW representatives. More than 40 people from a dozen state agencies participated in the pilot, as mentees and mentors.

Our goal was to explore the possibility of establishing a mentorship program open to all state employees to support the personal and professional development of Washington state employees by offering goal setting, career planning, problem-solving, leadership skills and networking opportunities.

Based on participant feedback, ICSEW recognizes the desire for and need of a statewide mentorship program for state employees. Our test program allowed us to gain valuable knowledge about what it takes to run a successful mentorship program.

However, ICSEW has determined it cannot sustain a statewide mentorship program on its own. ICSEW has been contacted by several state agencies who would like us to share our experience, tools and lessons learned from our pilot.  We are exploring partnerships with other state agencies and groups to create a sustainable interagency mentorship program and look forward to sharing that knowledge moving forward.

Our new goal is to support the creation of a state employee mentorship program with the collaboration of statewide partnerships. We will update this page as we know more.

What We Do

Our team manages the development of the mentoring program as well as the resources that facilitate it, including the application process, orientation, and evaluation.

Our Members

Mentorship Chair



Laurel Hass, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
Ayanna Coleman, Office of Financial Management
Linda Tilson, Department of Labor and Industries
Marcia Zitelman, The Evergreen State College
Sonal Bawne, Office of Financial Management


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