Advocating through Mentorship
Recap of the first meeting of the ICSEW’s mentorship program
By Josefina Magana, ICSEW Mentorship Chair

Participants in the ICSEW’s mentorhsip pilot meet for the first time virtually July 22 and 28. Photo by Josefina Magana
The ICSEW’s Mentorship Subcommittee has officially launched its first-ever Mentorship Pilot Program!
More than 40 people from more than a dozen state agencies are participating. The subcommittee led the first orientation sessions July 22 and July 28. They were a success. Participants who attended the day’s online session learned about the ICSEW Interagency Mentorship Pilot Program, discussed roles and responsibilities of pilot participants, and gained valuable resources for a successful mentoring relationship. The orientation was held virtually and participants were able to break out into groups to ask questions while sharing thoughts or concerns they might have as this endeavor gets going.
The first orientation session was informative and interactive with participants highlighting the importance of this endeavor as well as being ready to get started.
“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” Steven Spielberg
Information about the ICSEWs’ mentorship pilot, including meeting schedules and participant handbook can be found on the ICSEW’s mentorship pilot program page.