An educational legacy…

Nora B. Adams
Nora B. Adams, born in Texas, November 20, 1928; her father was the local principal of the African American school and her family encouraged her to seek the best education possible. Nora moved to Dallas and graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in 1945. In 1946, Nora moved to Seattle and received her B.A from Seattle University in 1952 and her Master in Education in 1959. Ms. Adams immediately began her teaching career at T.T. Minor Elementary School. In 1970, she became the principal of T.T. Minor and, between 1976 and 1989, she served as the principal of four other elementary schools. Ms. Adams’ greatest legacy, aside from the children she served, was her philanthropy. When she passed away, Nora left $600,000 to the Seattle Public Schools Scholarship Fund and $200,000 to cancer and heart research.