Women's Health Week proclamation 2021

Women’s Health Week Proclamation

Gov. Jay Inslee has proclaimed the week of May 9-15 as Women's Health Week in the state of Washington.

Thank you to the Washington State Women's Commission, Health Care Authority and State Department of Health for teaming up with us to request this very important proclamation.

Read the Proclamation text:


The State of Washington Proclamation:

WHEREAS, the Washington State Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, the Washington State Health Care Authority, the Washington State Department of Health and the Washington State Women's Commission have joined together to celebrate work made toward equity in healthcare for all women/womxn and for women/womxn to have more control over their health through advocacy for better health through greater knowledge and understanding; and

WHEREAS, National Women's Health Week celebrates the extraordinary progress in women/womxn's health and recognizes that more remains to be done to safeguard the health ofwomen/womxn for generations to come; and

WHEREAS, gender bias can adversely impact the quality of and access to health care, especially among BIPOC women/womxn, women/womxn with disabilities, women/womxn with limited English proficiency, and women/womxn who are low-income or living in poverty and women/womxn who are LGBTQ+; and

WHEREAS, the pandemic has heightened the inequities in health among BIPOC women, women living in poverty and those who are LGBTQ+ due to existing systemic barriers and increased fmancial barriers from pandemic-related job loss; and

WHEREAS, National Women's Health Week celebrates the resiliency ofwomen/womxn and the efforts of national and community organizations working with partners and volunteers to improve awareness of key women's/womxn's health issues; and

WHEREAS, women/womxn from all walks oflife and at every stage of life have unique health needs that should be addressed in their own right; and

WHEREAS, keeping women/womxn healthy and safe and promoting awareness of women's health issues depends on partnerships with social, health, and community organizations; and

WHEREAS, women/womxn can promote good health and prevent disease and illness by using self-care to improve their physical mental, social, and spiritual health; and

WHEREAS, women's/womxn’s health remains a priority for families, communities, and government, and our commitment to keeping women healthy and stronger than ever;

Now therefore, I Jay Inslee, Governor of the State of Washington, do hereby proclaim May 9-15, 2021 as Women’s Health Week in Washington, and I encourage all people in our state to promote and improve the health of women and to increase understanding of women's health issues.