March 2019 Meeting Recap
The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW, had another successful meeting March 26 full of informative presentations and interactive training. Below is a recap of the guest presentations. Note: Meeting minutes and training session handouts are available on our Meting Minutes page.

Amy Leneker (far left) coaches a couple of meeting attendees during her Clifton Strengths seminar.
Amy Leneker
Amy Leneker gave an interactive training on identifying and maximizing one’s Clifton Strengths.
Clifton Strengths are named after Dr. Don Clifton, former chairman of The Gallup Organization. Gallup conducted several years of research on personality types. The research suggested people who best understand their strengths and behaviors will be best-equipped to deploy those strengths in their personal and professional lives.
Leneker showed meeting attendees how to find their top five strengths. She taught attendees how to best use those strengths, and recognize when those strengths become weaknesses. She did a couple of individual coaching sessions. Workshop attendees also got to team up with partners for an exercise that allowed attendees to brainstorm ways to combine different strengths.

ICSEW reps, alternates and guests fill in responses in their Clifton Strengths workbook during a professional development training.
For more information on Clifton strengths or to take the Clifton Strengths assessment, go to:
Dr. Arne Gundersen

Dr. Gundersen illustrates the effects of gum disease.
Dr. Arne Gundersen, from Gundersen Dental Care in Thurston County gave a health and wellness talk. His presentation, “The Link between Oral Health and Wellness,” illustrated the correlation between periodontal disease and its impact on our overall health.
He said periodontal disease (the body’s inflammatory response to infections caused by buildup of bacteria and debris around the teeth and gums) can put you at risk for more serious diseases like diabetes and heart attacks.
He offered a series of preventative tips like using electric toothbrushes and/or a water pic.
Women’s History Month

Image courtesy of
March is Women’s History Month. Rebecca Llewellyn, the Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference and Events Manager for the Department of Labor and Industries also gave a brief presentation on events L&I sponsored for Women’s History Month.
L&I has a Women’s History Month Display in its lobby with a newsletter with Women’s History Facts and a list of books and movies on women’s history.