Celebrating Women’s Equality Day

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on the Bureau of Industrial Insurance Appeals’ intranet and information was compiled by the BIIA’s Diversity Committee and has been re-shared here with permission. From the 1973 Joint Resolution: “Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That August 26,…

Women's Equality Day Resources

by Rachel Friederich, ICSEW Communications Chair Today is Women’s Equality Day. It recognizes the date 100 years ago when Congress ratified the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. Like many organizations, we wanted to partake in an in-person celebration. COVID-19 postponed or cancelled many planned events throughout the state. In lieu of a…

Here's What We're Actually Celebrating on Women's Equality Day

Editor’s Note: August 26 is Women’s Equity Day. The ICSEW is hosting its annual Professional Development Conference August 27. Is your agency hosting an event for Women’s Equality Day? Tell us about it: icsew@ofm.wa.gov This article was originally published on forutune.com in 2017. We’ve already marked a few women’s holidays this year—including International Women’s Day…