Her Stories: Mary Wetherell, a true story about a corageous woman

portrait of Mary Wetherell. Photo courtesy of Teri Holme by Teri Holme (ROM) I have been asked these same questions many times over my career. ‘How do you pick yourself up when you have failed? How do you keep going when you run into a wall?’ The answer is always the same and it always…

January 2020 Meeting Recap: Veterans, Relationship-Building and the 'Afters'

Story and Photos by Rachel Friederich, ICSEW Communications Chair  Experts offered workshops on employment support for veterans, diffusing difficult relationships and effective communications at the ICSEW’s Jan. 21 meeting at the Department of Labor and Industries.    Below is a summary of key takeaways from the meeting. Meeting minutes, full presentations and handouts are available on…