New legislation brings clarifications to confidentiality and Employee Assistance Program 

By Janet McIntosh  ICSEW Executive Co-secretary  OLYMPIA–Some legislation signed into law this year will bring some changes to the state Employee Assistance Program, EAP. Substitute Senate Bill 5564, will eliminate some ambiguity concerning confidentiality laws in accordance with the EAP. The state’s EAP is a free, confidential program to promote the health, safety and wellbeing…

ICSEW Bill Alert SB 1145

As part of its work, the ICSEW Legislative and Policy subcommittee provides Bill Alerts during the current legislative cycle. Its purpose is to inform state employees of pending legislation that may impact them. As state employees, we cannot use state time or resources to lobby for or against legislative proposals in accordance with RCW 42.52.160…

November 2019 Meeting Recap

November 2019 Meeting Recap:
Karen Fraser and Nick Strueli spoke on the legislative process, April Amundson spoke on Paid Family Medical Leave, and R.A.I.N. held an intersactive Q & A panel on the sex and gender spectrum. Visit ICSEW.WA.GOV for resources from this and other meetings as well as information on future meetings, speakers, events and panels.

Federal Proposed Legislation H.R. 3317 – 115th Congress (2017-2018)

Official Title as Introduced: To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase the penalty for female genital mutilation, and for other purposes. This bill would increase the penalty for female genital mutilation from five years imprisonment to 15 years. The bill would also express that the states put laws in place that require healthcare…

Federal Tax Reform Bill

The House tax reform bill was announced last week. Have you reviewed the bill? Do you know how it can affects you? Please follow this link for more information on the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (H.R. 1). Get informed and then get heard. Go to My Vote and find out who is your U.S.…

Legislative Update

We want to hear from you. Your voice and knowledge can go a long way in supporting and empowering the lives of state employed women. If you would like to provide a Legislative and Policy Subcommittee blog, Ariel and I ask that you write the message with the following in mind: Provide a brief informational…

Legislation Update

As many of you know the state legislature is currently in a gridlock of the Capitol Budget. Information on what the legislature is doing with this can be found here: Information about the budget itself can be found here: Always be sure to get information from trusted sources and not to share false…

Legislation Update

There is progress being made on a 2017–19 budget. However, if the operating budget is not passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor by Friday at midnight, agencies will shut down and employees will be temporarily laid off. If your agency shuts down, there is no way of knowing in advance how long…

Legislation Update

The revenue forecast for 2017-2018 was released last week. Read more about it here: The end of second special session is around the corner. Track information on what the legislature is up to here: Remember the main source of information on the budget can be found here: To find your representatives please…