“Infants at Work” is Taking Off in State Government

The idea of bringing babies into the workplace has been explored by local jurisdictions and by the private and non-profit sectors, but it’s relatively new to Washington’s state agencies. The Department of Health was the first agency to create one; they officially implemented their Infants at Work (IAW) policy on July 1st, 2015. Today DOH,…

It's never too late to make a difference

Source: King5 news The state capital can be known for its sleepy weekends when lawmakers tend to head home. Not the case for last Saturday. The crowd who gathered for the Women’s March in Olympia far exceeded its predicted attendance. Early projections had the expected crowd to be 2,500. Olympia police officers and state leaders…

First 6-month-old ‘graduate’ from HCA's Infants at the Workplace program

By: Laurel Bennett, HCA Anaya Darlene turned 6 months old recently and became the first “graduate” of HCA’s Infants at the Workplace program. Anaya’s mom is Talia Mazzara, HCA (left), and her backup work caretaker is Joanna Gaffney, HCA (right). Eight infants—some not yet born!—have been approved for the program since it began in July this…

Infant at Work Program at the Washington State Department of Health

By Michelle Jorgensen Michelle Jorgensen and Connie Dunn with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) presented on the Infant at Work (IAW) Program at DOH at ICSEW’s May 17th general membership meeting. DOH implemented the Infant at Work Program on July 1, 2015. DOH was the first State agency to allow employees to bring…