State Employees Volunteer with ICSEW at Thurston County Food Bank Gardens

Department of Natural Resources Employee, Julie Gilling, (left) and Stephanie Goedecke from the Employment Security Department (right) remove weeds from some garlic in a Thurston County Food Bank garden during an ICSEW volunteer event April 23 in Olympia Story and Photos by Deirdre Bissonnnette Department of Fish & Wildlife ICSEW was proud to volunteer at…

Meet Your Agency Representative: Erika Williams

Name: Erika Williams Agency & Job Title:  DSHS Division of Child Support where I am a Child Support Program Administrator Fun Fact:  I graduated from WSU with a degree in Human Development and so far, I’ve developed 5 humans! Why I joined ICSEW/What I have gained from ICSEW:   I joined ICSEW to further develop my…