News and Announcements
Her Stories: Mary Wetherell, a true story about a corageous woman
Volunteers Sought for ICSEW-Thurston County Food Bank Garden Service Parties
ICSEW volunteer opportunity with Thurston County Food Bank For the second year in a row, ICSEW has been invited to participate in a few volunteer days with the Thurston County Food Bank gardens. Work parties will take place on the following dates. Date Time Location Sat. April 15 9 a.m. 1335 Overhulse Rd NW, Olympia…
March Meeting Preview
Registration is now open for our March 2023 membership meeting! The meeting will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon March 21st via Zoom. Meetings are free and open to anyone, regardless of gender or employment status. How to Register: Please visit our meetings page to register. Once you are registered, you will receive an…
2023 Women’s History Month Proclamation
2023 Women’s History Month Proclamation WHEREAS, Women’s History month is celebrated throughout the United States of America during the month of March; and WHEREAS, the theme for 2023 is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”, which highlights in particular the contributions of women past & present who have been leaders in all forms of media…
Capitol Childcare Center now open for enrollment of state employees children
Headlines like Women took on three times as much childcare as men during the pandemic, How COIVD-19 sent women’s workforce progress backward and COVID-19 has hit women especially hard, especially working mothers have been becoming increasingly more common in recent years. That’s one of the reasons why KinderCare Learning Centers opened up a new Capitol…
Women’s History Month Virtual Backgrounds
Women’s History Month Virtual Backgrounds March 1 marks the beginning of Women’s History Month. ICSEW is pleased to announce the winners of our Women’s History Month virtual background contest. We had six wonderful submissions. The ICSEW communications subcommittee members selected their favorite designs. Congratulations to Julie Hyde from the Department of Health and Rebecca LaMar from…
Submit your proposals for the Washington state DEI Empowerment Conference
Re-sharing from our allies at the Disability Inclusion Network BRG: Call for Presentations For the Upcoming 2023 WA DEI Empowerment Conference in June! The 2023 Washington State DEI Empowerment Conference is excited to announce our invitation for presenters for our conference taking place each Wednesday in June (6th, 14th, 21st and 28th). It will…
WIN’s Mentoring Program Now Accepting New Mentees!
Are you new to state service? Are you seeking guidance on how to manage your career goals? Do you need someone to talk to and share ideas with? If yes, then WIN’s Mentoring Program maybe a good resource for you. They have mentors from several state agencies from various ethnic backgrounds with varied expertise…
Capitol Childcare Center to open Jan 30
Capitol Childcare Center to open Jan 30 The Capitol Childcare Center is opening on Monday, Jan. 30. The center’s operator, KinderCare, offers care for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. Families of State of Washington employees have first priority at the new center, located at the southern gateway to the Capitol Campus There are…
Learn about the legislature with us!
Understanding how our state’s legislature works can seem intimidating. It’s filled with complex terms and processes that can make anyone’s head spin! ICSEW is hosting a free online legislative training with the Legislative Information Center at 10 a.m. Tues. January 31st. They’ll explain how the legislature works in simple terms to help you know what’s going…