Posts by Robin Fisher
November 2019 Meeting Recap
November 2019 Meeting Recap:
Karen Fraser and Nick Strueli spoke on the legislative process, April Amundson spoke on Paid Family Medical Leave, and R.A.I.N. held an intersactive Q & A panel on the sex and gender spectrum. Visit ICSEW.WA.GOV for resources from this and other meetings as well as information on future meetings, speakers, events and panels.
Commentary: Tribal Land Acknowledgements
Commentary: Tribal Land Acknowledgements – Taja Blackhorn, a member of the Kahosadi people from southern Oregon, has engaged in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion outreach and education for more than 30 years, and has recently added Native Land Acknowledgements and Lunch and Learns for state agencies to her efforts. Learn about how she recognizes the land by the peoples of the treaty as well as the five elements in the Land Acknowledgement.
National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is Thursday, April 25
National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is recognized on the fourth Thursday in April each year. This annual event is an educational program in the United States and Canada where parents take their children to work with them for one day. HOW TO OBSERVE Employers are encouraged to invite employees to bring their…
Women's History Month Panel
March Meeting Information
Our next Membership meeting is Tuesday, March 26, at Labor & Industries, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. Please use the overflow parking at the Mountain View Church of the Nazarene at 940 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, WA 98501, just a block away. Speaker: Amy Leneker, Compass Consulting, Presenting: CliftonStrengths: How to Identify your…
Bill Alert: SB 5327
Bill alert SB 5327 ICSEW BILL ALERT SB 5327 Expanding career connected learning opprotunities Link to the bill: SB 5327 Why does this bill matter to you? Creates a career connected learning cross-agency work group to: Scale up and expand high-quality career connected learning opportunities in communities across the state; and Coordinate agency functions and…
March Meeting
Our next Membership meeting is Tuesday, March 26, at Labor & Industries, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. Don’t forget to register! RSVP: We look forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP using either LMS or Eventbrite. Speaker: Amy Leneker, Compass Consulting, Presenting: CliftonStrengths: How to Identify your Strengths and Meet Your Goals Cost: The cost…
Bill Alert: HB 1601
Bill alert HB 1601 ICSEW BILL ALERT HB 1601 Creating universal worker protections act Link to the bill: HB 1601 Why does this bill matter to you? Creates the Employee Fair Classification Act, which creates new provisions prohibiting the misclassification of employees as independent contractors and creates remedies, including civil penalties and damages. Provides for…
Bill Alert: SB 5395
Bill Alert SB 5395 ICSEW BILL ALERT SB 5395 Concerning comprehensive sexual health education Link to the bill: SB 5395 Why does this bill matter to you? How does it apply to state employed women? Requires each public school, by September 1, 2020, to provide comprehensive sexual health education as an integral part of the…