ICSEW Participates in Volunteer Service Projects That Help Domestic Violence Victims, People Experiencing Food Insecurity

image of lettuce garden

Editor’s note: The following is a commentary from one of ICSEW’s Legislative & Policy Subcommittee Co-chairs about their experience volunteering for service projects for two Olympia non-profit organizations.

By Deirdre Bissonnette, Legislative and Policy Subcommittee Co-chair

OLYMPIA--ICSEW’s Leg and Policy Subcommittee spent some safe outdoor time this summer putting our words into action. We looked for in-person volunteer opportunities that ideally had a nexus with our interests in service and equity.

One opportunity came from SafePlace, which provided domestic violence victims support services in Thurston County. We helped beautify a shared outdoor space serving clients of the organization by doing some weeding and yardwork.

Thank you so much to Safe Place for the important work you do for the members of the community. The knowledge that a resource exists for those who are feeling lost and vulnerable is priceless.

The other opportunity was from the Thurston County Food Bank. Our subcommittee came and assisted weeding a large garden space on the capitol campus. The garden is located near the Korean War Memorial and the produce from it goes directly to the Thurston County Food Bank. The food bank distributes primarily in shelf-stable foods, but has an incredible farming program that allows them to supplement the food packs going home with local families with fresh, organic produce. Leg and Policy is proud to support their mission and hopes to partner with them again soon.

Leslie Wolff: leslie.wolff@commerce.wa.gov

Deirdre Bissonnette: deirdre.bissonnette@dfw.wa.gov