Registration Now Open for Sept. 2021 Meeting

Please join us online Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm for ICSEW’s membership meeting.
First, Joan Robison will discuss strategies from her book, Flip the Switch. She will coach us to quickly get un-stuck and claim an empowering mindset. "Flipping the switch" is a term used to go from problem to solution.
Then hear Doctors Stefanie and George Olar, with 360 Chiropractic, discuss the "Physiological Effects of Emotional and Physical Stress on the Musculoskeletal System."
Finally, Karen Zukaitis with Washington State Employees Credit Union will talk about financial stress. She will get to the heart of our emotional attachment to money and how that affects our decisions. Take back control of your money and that frees you up to tackle all the other interesting twists that life sends your way.
NOTE: All regular meetings are free and open to anyone, regardless of gender or employment status. The meeting will be conducted with the Zoom software. When registering for the event be sure to include the email and/or phone number you will be utilizing to access Zoom.
IMPORTANT: The confirmation email from Eventbrite includes the instructions for accessing the meeting below the order details. Be sure to scroll through the entire email.
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