Registration is Open for Our March 2021 Meeting
March Meeting Preview: How to Get Your Cup Filled: Overcoming Burnout
By Julie Hyde, Washington State Department of Health

We’re now a year into this pandemic. We’ve adapted to new working challenges. Though some of us have been able to start getting vaccines, it’ll still be a while before we can go back to ‘normal’ activities. In the meantime, we’re still navigating new challenges, and the stress that goes with it.
ICSEW is continuing its series of trainings in how to be our best selves in this ‘new normal.’
You’re invited to join the Interagency Committee of State Employed Women from 8:30 a.m. to noon on March 16, 2021 via Zoom for a couple presentations on stress management and self-care.
All regular ICSEW meetings are free and open to anyone, regardless of gender or employment status. ICSEW members should register for the meeting on EventBrite. After registering on EventBrite, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. The general public will also be able to view the meeting on Facebook Live.
There will also be a 30 minute breakout sessions for subcommittee groups. ICSEW members who attend the meeting via Zoom will be able to select their subcommittee breakout room during the meeting.
The Presentations
How to Get Your Cup Filled
Are you feeling overwhelmed, ineffective, worried or stressed during this COVID-19 crisis?
Are you having trouble keeping up in your professional and personal life?
In this presentation, Linda Tilson and Jared Bull will share with strategies to overcome burnout. We will also hear from Dr. Kira Mauseth from the Washington State Department of Health about COVID-19 and the impacts on us.
About the Presenters:

Linda Tilson has led a team of accountants and professional staff for over 13 years as an accounting services manager for the Department of Labor and Industries. She recently completed her project coordinator certificate. Tilson is passionate about empowering individuals to take actions that lead to personal and professional success through her active leadership in mentoring, coaching, and teaching partnerships.

Jared Bull is a transformational coach an entrepreneur. He works with other coaches, executives and entrepreneurs from around the world both online and offline to give them the inner tools and external resources to help them bring inner visions to life. His work has been showcased on five different continents, has a YouTube channel of 25 thousand, and has consulted within Fortune 500 companies such as Principal Financial Group. He is dedicated to showing entrepreneurs and business owners the inner and external tools to be outwardly and inwardly successful despite the volatile environments around them.

Dr. Kira Mauseth is a practicing clinical psychologist who splits her professional time between seeing patients at Snohomish Psychology Associates, teaching as a Senior Instructor at Seattle University and serving as a co-lead for the Behavioral Health Strike Team for the Washington State Department of Health. Her focus is on resilience and recovery from trauma as well as well as disaster behavioral health. She has worked extensively in Haiti with earthquake survivors, in Jordan with Syrian refugees and Jordanian relief workers, as well as with first responders and health care workers throughout Puget Sound the United States. Mauseth also conducts trainings with organizations and educational groups about disaster preparedness and resilience building within local communities.
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