ICSEW Welcomes New Agency Representatives at Transition Celebration

Newly-appointed ICSEW representatives and those who are completing their terms of service stand outside the Legislative Building during the 2019 Transition Celebration. Photo by Tanyah Williams
OLYMPIA—The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW, welcomed 31 new agency representatives and alternate representatives at its Transition Celebration and Meeting July 16, 2019. The committee’s annual Transition Celebration and Meeting takes place at the Legislative Building on the state’s Capitol Campus in Olympia. More than 60 people attended this year’s event.
The ICSEW is made up of governor-appointed representatives from various state agencies and higher education institutions. Representatives perform work related to the committee’s mission of bettering the lives of state employees by advising the governor and agencies on policies that affect state employed women.
Representatives who are appointed serve a two-year term. As per the committee’s bylaws, state agencies are allowed to have one representative for every 2,000 employees.
The Transition Celebration and Meeting, which is open to the public, serves as a way for new and perspective committee members and guests to learn about the work the committee does and to celebrate the committee’s major accomplishments over the previous fiscal year.
The newly-appointed representatives are as follows:
- Beth Archer, Washington State Investment Board
- Lashonda Cole, Office of the Governor
- Cyndi Comfort, Department of Natural Resources
- Carol Cox, Department of Licensing
- Laurel Haas, Parks and Recreation Commission
- Anne Hansen, Department of Enterprise Services
- Robyn Hofstad, Department of Social and Health Services
- Julie Hyde, Department of Health
- Carly Kujath, Office of Financial Management
- Benita Matheson, Department of Agriculture
- Jennifer Miller, Washington Military Department
- Danica Mitchell, Washington Student Achievement Council
- Jaclyn Molloy, Washington Student Achievement Council
- Kelly Olson, Washington Student Achievement Council
- Mykaila Ostrom, Office of the Attorney General
- Lenee Otto, Washington Lottery
- Joyce Reynolds, Office of Insurance Commissioner
- Crystal Schlanbusch, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals
- Jennifer Sievert, Department of Health
- Allison Spector, Department of Transportation
- Marie Splaine, Department of Commerce
- Cristina Steward, Utilities and Transportation Commission
- Cheryl Strange, Department of Social and Health Services
- Amanda Strebeck, Department of Transportation
- Tysha Tolefree, WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Megan Villa, Department of Transportation
- Millie White, Department of Natural Resources
- Jenny Wood, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Dawn Woolery, Department of Financial Institutions
- Gail Wootan, Washington Student Achievement Council
- Jenny Word, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Kelly Ziesemer, Employment Security Department
How to become a Representative:
Any state employee or employee of a higher education institution may serve as a representative, regardless of gender. Anyone interested in serving as an ICSEW representative for their agency must submit a letter of interest, current resume and a letter from their agency’s director or sponsor to icsew@ofm.wa.gov.
For more information on how to become a representative for your agency, visit https://icsew.wa.gov/involved/