Legislative Update
We want to hear from you. Your voice and knowledge can go a long way in supporting and empowering the lives of state employed women.
If you would like to provide a Legislative and Policy Subcommittee blog, Ariel and I ask that you write the message with the following in mind:
- Provide a brief informational only description of the issue (keep high level),
- Provide a link(s) to on how to look up and to contact your elected officials,
- Provide a link(s) to the bill information or televised feed (like WA TV),
- A few talking points on how to be your own advocate,
- Limit submissions to 250 words (for a single issue), and
- Make sure all hyperlinks directly link to the primary source of the information and not a partisan editorial.
Leg and Policy blogs are normally posted on Friday. Please provide your submission by end of business the Tuesday before the Friday intended for publication.
Send submissions to mcheesma@utc.wa.gov or Ariel.Kay@PARKS.WA.GOV
All submissions are subject to review.
If you would like to submit a blog post, first please determine the appropriate subcommittee chair (co-chair) that best relates to the subject matter of the proposed blog. Then please reach out to the subcommittee chair with the content you would like published. Here is a link to the subcommittee chairs and their contact information: