May 16th General Membership Meeting
May general membership meeting is Tuesday, May 16, 2017.
May General Membership Meeting Agenda
Please note the location for this meeting: Department of Revenue, 6400 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. The conference center is on the first floor. You’ll enter the 6400 building and go to the right where you’ll see the building receptionist. She will direct you to the Conference Center.
Traveling southbound on I-5: Take exit 102. Turn left onto Trosper Road. At second light, turn right onto Capitol Blvd. At first light, turn right onto W Lee Street. W Lee Street becomes Linderson Way SW. The Department of Revenue buildings (6300, 6400, and 6500 Linderson Way) will be on your left. There are three buildings – 6400 Linderson Way is the center building of the three and is located farthest back in the parking lot. You can park anywhere on the street or in the parking lot.
Traveling northbound on I-5: Take exit 101. Turn right onto Tumwater Boulevard. At first light, turn left onto Linderson Way. Travel past Tumwater High School. The Department of Revenue buildings (6300, 6400, and 6500 Linderson Way) will be on your right. There are three buildings – 6400 Linderson Way is the center building of the three and is located farthest back in the parking lot. You can park anywhere on the street or in the parking lot.
Networking begins at 8:00 a.m. with the meeting starting promptly at 8:30 a.m. The agenda is attached.
At all our meetings we encourage representatives to bring guests. It is a great opportunity for giving future representatives, alternates and interested individuals a first-hand look at how ICSEW helps better the lives of state employees.
We have secured outstanding speakers to engage with us:
- Retirement Planning-Catherine Cadoo
Catherine has worked for the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) for four years in the employee and outreach program. She will be speaking to us about PERS 2, 3, and the Deferred Compensation Program (DCP).
- Rebuilding Together Thurston County-Cathy Johnson
Cathy has been a volunteer with Rebuilding Together Thurston County (RTTC) for six years and is currently the president on the Board of Directors. RTTC has provided free critical home repairs and handicap modifications for low income homeowners since 2004. RTTC does everything from repairing and replacing hot water tanks and furnaces to installing grab bars and wheelchair ramps to replacing worn and trip hazard floor covering (falls are the number one reason for hospital visits by people 65 and older) to plumbing repairs, and much more. We help over 30 homeowners a year with our much needed free services. Cathy’s hope is to inform you about our critical work and how you too can make a difference, whether it is volunteering for Rebuilding Together or another worthy organization in the community.
- Wellness: Eating Well on the Go–Becki Parsons
Becki is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and the author of the blog, Dietitian on a Diet. Becki is the owner of i’mPowered Nutrition and Fitness in Littlerock, WA. She offers individual appointments (in-person or by video conference) as well as work place wellness programs. Becki will be discussing Eating Well on the Go.
We will also have:
- Governor’s Policy Briefing-What’s happening at the Capitol that impacts women in state government?
- Subcommittee project work.
- Updates for all, including current proposed legislation affecting state employees.
- Voting of members may be required.
- Representatives– REMEMBER, if you cannot attend, your alternate can attend in your place and vote for you, once the proxy form has been signed.
- Hear exciting news about our upcoming Health and Wellness Fair in May and Professional Development Conference in August!
RSVP for the May 16 meeting here: (Deadline May 9) Also note…lunch IS catered for this meeting.