Domestic Violence Awareness Month Resources

October is #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you are not alone. Here are some resources on how to identify domestic violence and organizations that can help.

Today is Indigenous People's Day

Today is Indigenous People’s Day. The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women celebrates diversity and stands with our Native communities and Natives employed by the state of Washington as allies.
Here is how some communities are celebrating and what ICSEW is doing to recognize Native Communities.

September 2020 Meeting Recap

Helping formerly incarcerated individuals overcome employment barriers and #cybersecurity during a pandemic were topics of the September 2020 general membership meeting. Read the recap here or view the recording on our Facebook videos page.

Gov. Inslee Announces Three New Appointments to Women's Commission

  From the Office of Gov. Jay Inslee: Gov. Jay Inslee appointed three commissioners to the Washington State Women’s Commission earlier this month. Quinn Dalan, Anna Franklin, and Vicki Lowe are the newest members of the Commission working to dismantle structural barriers facing women in Washington. Regina Malveaux was named commission director in August.  Dalan serves…

Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment Recruiting New Members

From the Office of the Governor: Join others working to improve the lives of people with disabilities Apply by October 15, 2020 to become a member of the Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues & Employment If you are interested in issues affecting people with disabilities and want to influence State decision makers, apply by October…

Hispanics: Be Proud of Your Past and Embrace the Future

Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept. 15-Oct. 15 From the Latino Leadership Network: In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, your Latino Leadership Network Executive Board has put together a new video to welcome all Washington State workers and allies into the familia that is LLN. We took this opportunity to speak from our hearts about the…

Confident Communication: A Women's Summit is Oct. 16

The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, in partnership with the Washington Center for Women and Business and Cornerstone Coaching & Training, LLC, are hosting a daylong virtual gathering designed to help participants become a more confident communicator. Confident Communication: A Women’s Summit is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, October 16 via…

ICSEW Appoints Four Executive Board Members

OLYMPIA—The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW, is proud to introduce four new appointments to its executive board. Josefina Magaña has been appointed as vice chair. Rae Simpson has been appointed as professional development chair. Laurel Hass has been appointed as mentorship chair. Beth Archer has been appointed to conference chair. The changes take…

Experts Predict an Increase of Suicides in the Coming Months. Here's What You Can Do to Help Save Lives

Editor’s Note: September is #SuicidePreventionMonthThis article first appeared in the August 2020 issues of the Washington State Employee Assistance Program’s Employee Frontline Newsletter: Our state Department of Health (DOH) has been investigating and reporting on the many impacts of COVID-19 on all of us, including mental and behavioral health impacts. The COVID-19 pandemic has been…