Parting Words from ICSEW’s Executive Chair

It was a summer day in July when I attended my first Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW, meeting. It was at the Capitol in a beautiful building. I felt so fortunate to be able to attend a room full of inspiring womxn working for the state.
I had no idea at the time the immense impact the committee would have on me personally and professionally. I was part of the mentorship subcommittee and one of the biggest takeaways I received from collaborating with a diverse group of womxn from different state agencies was how hard we worked to plan and launch the first ever ICSEW mentorship pilot program. This was a great accomplishment for all of us. Seeing how people needed support and being able to provide that support through ICSEW—amid a pandemic that prevented us from meeting in person, no less-- was truly humbling.
My tenure as executive chair for ICSEW has been a learning experience I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. If it were not for these wonderful womxn showing up to do what they do best, I would not be here. My proudest moments have come when I see them at meetings planning, and later, accomplishing their goals. Additionally, when we receive comments from ICSEW members and other state workers who attend our trainings about how valuable they are, I know we are doing something right.
I often hear with endings come new beginnings. It is with a sad heart, but renewed hope, that I say hasta luego, see you later, to ICSEW.
I am joining the Thurston County Chamber of Commerce as the Director of Thurston Thrives, a community initiative to improve the health and safety for all in Thurston County. I am thrilled to take on this role and use the many talents and skills I have gained during my time working for the state and serving as a proud member of ICSEW to improve the lives of people in Thurston County.
This committee has taught me so much I do not have enough words to express my gratitude. I leave with a lot of relief because I know that the womxn who are part of the committee are absolutely hard working and incredible and I have no doubt that they will keep carrying ICSEW’s mission of improving the lives of Washington state employed womxn through advocacy, outreach, and opportunity.
Josefina Magana
ICSEW Executive Chair 2020-2022