January 2022 Meeting Lineup
You're invited to the first ICSEW meeting of the new year!
Our meeting is scheduled from 8:30 to noon Tuesday, January 18. Visit our meetings page for a link to register and a look at the agenda.
Here's a summary of the presentations:
Overcoming the Double Bind So much leadership advice sounds good, but doesn't always translate into strategies that actually pay off for women. You may be familiar with the situation where women are advised to speak up more and be firm and decisive leaders, but then are criticized for being too aggressive when they do. This is just one of many challenges that stem from what our first speaker, Dana Theus, calls the "double bind," where women trying to fit into a male leadership mold feel inauthentic, and thus less effective in their efforts to advance and create positive impact. Theus will give us tools on how to overcome the dreaded double bind.
Self-Care Makes Us Better Leaders: Then, Nancy Board from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will talk to us about caring for ourselves first and how that will make us better authentic leaders! She will also share what the EAP offers to and how we can use it to self-care.
About Nancy Board, MSW:
Nancy Board is a global leader in corporate health, wellbeing and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and a seasoned international mental health expert. She is the Clinical Services Manager for the WA State EAP.
Previously Nancy was Vice President of Healthcare, EAP and Wellness for JP Morgan, Asia Pacific responsible for over 38,000 employees in 18 countries. She is a culturally competent leader who has led individuals, teams and organizations through the chaos and grief of workplace violence and major disasters. Prior to that she was Vice President of Global Services for PPC Worldwide where she was instrumental in the successful merger of two Australian and Asia Pacific EAP businesses; lived in Australia for 3 years, and traveled extensively throughout Asia.
Five years ago, Nancy Co-founded the non-profit organization, Global Women 4 Wellbeing (GW4W), focusing on gender, health and pay equity and building healthy, inclusive, and respectful workplaces for women to thrive. She has worked with thousands of women on five continents facilitating transformational workshops.
NOTE: All regular meetings are free and open to anyone, regardless of gender or employment status. The meeting will be conducted with the Zoom software. When registering for the event, be sure to include the email and/or phone number you will be utilizing to access Zoom.
IMPORTANT: The confirmation email from Eventbrite includes the instructions for accessing the meeting below the order details. Be sure to scroll through the entire email.