Jennifer Powers Keynote for 2019 ICSEW Professional Development Conference

OLYMPIA—The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW, is pleased to announce it has selected Jennifer Powers the keynote speaker for its 2019 Professional Development Conference.
The annual professional development conference is the committee’s largest event. It draws more than 500 people each year and offers a variety of training sessions designed to help attendees grow and develop as leaders. The conference takes place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, August 27 at the South Puget Sound Community College Olympia, Wash.
Cost is $150 and includes a catered networking lunch. It also includes a copy of Powers’ bestselling book, “Oh, Shift!” Tickets are available on EventBrite.
Powers is an author, certified professional coach, speaker, facilitator and certified believer in the human spirit, according to her website. Powers will also be doing a book signing during the event.
Powers has built her career coaching women and individuals on leadership, remembering their self-worth, tapping into inner strengths, and other topics.
“Whether I’m helping you speak your truth, be a powerful leader, tap into your strengths, tame your Ego, share your gifts, be in flow, remember your worth, give yourself permission, practice acceptance, or unapologetically honor yourself, you are cultivating your power,” Powers said. “And shining just a little bit brighter.”
Powers obtained her under graduate at the University of Delaware. She earned her masters degree in Sociology from the University from Houston. In 2006 she received her coach training certification from the Coach Training Alliance. Two years later, she joined their faculty as a mentor coach.
The daylong conference is filled with a variety of workshops and designed for people at all career stages. Offerings include:
- Identifying Gender Bias Patterns and How they Affect Our Careers
- Effective Job Search Techniques: Becoming the CIO of You
- Fighting Supremacy and Oppression at Work
- Mastering Team Leadership Using the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TEAM
Presentation descriptions will be posted on the ICSEW blog at and on the ICSEW Facebook in the weeks leading up to the conference.
Questions? Contact Debbie Baker, Conference Chair, or
(360) 596-3733.