Annual Professional Development Conference is Next WEEK!!!

ICSEW At a Glance 2017
We are so excited to have over 450 attendees for this year’s professional development and leadership conference! Can you believe it, our conference is next week! Below you will find logistical details, parking information, etc. Please carefully review this information and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Conference Location
Pacific Lutheran University
12180 Park Ave S
Tacoma, WA 98447
Phone: 253-535-7411
Scheduling Logistics and Details
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Time: Registration and morning snack begins at 7:30 a.m. at the Anderson University Center. Sessions will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Parking: Parking is free at any open PLU campus lot. Avoid those that are locked (with a bar across the entrance). Please see the attached map for the best choices.
Additional information
A morning and afternoon snack are available, in addition to lunch, during the day. If you have specific dietary needs or concerns, please feel free to bring your own food, though we do not have cold storage available. ICSEW has selected a menu catering to as many specific needs as possible, but we offer this alternative, just in case!
As you might imagine, our conference is SOLD OUT! Very exciting. We strive to schedule the best-of-the-best speakers that are available to us. That said, please come early to reserve a seat in your favorite session. If one is full, simply find space in another. Materials will be available on our website from those presenters that allow us to share so you won’t miss the details if the session is full. We appreciate your understanding!
Details are available on our website at