January General Membership Meeting Announcement and Agenda

January’s general membership meeting is Tuesday, January 17, 2017. Please note a new location for this meeting, at the Department of Labor and Industries, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA 98501. Our theme is Washington Women: Movers, Shakers, History Makers. Networking begins at 8:00 a.m. with the meeting starting promptly at 8:30 a.m.
General Membership Meeting Agenda January 2017  Adobe PDF Document
At our January meeting we encourage representatives to bring guests. It is a great opportunity for giving future representatives, alternates and interested individuals a first-hand look at how ICSEW helps better the lives of state employees.
This meeting focuses on professional development, and we have secured outstanding women in our community to engage with us:

  • A 2016 YWCA of Olympia Woman of Achievement in Health and Safety – Meg Martin
  • The first female mayor of Montesano and the first Indian American mayor in the U.S. – Vini Samuels

We will also have:

  • A training on Plain Talk and writing for your audience
  • Subcommittee project work
  • Updates for all, including current proposed legislation affecting state employees
  • Voting on updated policies and procedures (An email will be sent directly to members and alternates two weeks prior to the meeting for your review)
    • Representatives- REMEMBER, if you cannot attend, your alternate can attend in your place and vote for you, once the proxy form has been signed
  • Hear exciting news about our upcoming Conference in August 2017!

RSVP for the Catered Lunch!
Lunch will be catered for our January meeting, and that means we need you to RSVP for yourself and any guests. Please email ICSEW Membership Chair Karin Johnson with your RSVP at karin.johnson.2@us.af.mil. Cut-off date January 10.