Professional Development Conference
ICSEW's annual professional development conference is scheduled for October 8-10, 2024!
This year's conference theme, "Making HERstory: Breaking Boundaries, Building Bridges," emphasizes breaking barriers and forging connections to create a more inclusive and collaborative business environment. We hope to encourage women to expand their horizons and support one another. The conference will be held virtually on Zoom on October 8th and 9th. In-person events will be held on October 10 in Tacoma and Spokane.
Tuesday, October 8 - Virtual
9:00-9:45 From the Mail Room to Agency Leader. Experiences working through barriers, challenges and hurdles on the path to becoming a leader; implementing inclusive support for future leaders, participating in and developing the agency’s mentorship program, and continuously working toward and providing an environment where women’s voices can be heard. Presenter: Cami Feek, ESD Commissioner
10:00-11:00 Women Change-Makers. A journey of women’s movement struggles, accomplishments, and resilience of the early women visionaries to the challenges faced by women today. Presenter: Amandeep Puri, WSP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
11:00-11:45 The Differences Between "Disrespect” and “Lack of Respect”. An introduction to the 7 Forms of Respect, a communication framework. You’ve heard of the “Golden Rule.” now learn about the “Rubber Band Rule” of respect. You’ll never think of respect the same way again. Presenter: Julie Pham, PhD, CEO of CuriosityBased
1:00-2:55 Moving from Surviving to Thriving: Out of the Life Raft and Steering the Yacht. Learn to leverage your personal story in overcoming adversities and roadblocks to strategically navigate bringing diversity, equity, access, inclusion and belonging to your role in state government service. Presenter: Jess Clayton, MSW, DSHS IT Policy & Governance Senior Consultant
Wednesday, October 9 - Virtual
8:30-9:30 Assessing the Impact of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Bullying. A Multidimensional Staff Assessment Model (MSAM) to plot perceived levels of social support, bullying, burnout, compassion fatigue, and job satisfaction providing an opportunity to assess the overall impact to an individual, team or agency level. Presenter: Dr. Rae Simpson, PhD, DOC Health Services Quality Director
9:30-11:00 Five Core Skills that Make Life Easier. Accessible, natural, and easy to use skills to help people tolerate unavoidable discomfort with less injury to themselves and with more to offer others. Hope, healing, and help matter. Presenter: Elizabeth Power, M.Ed., Founder of EPower & Associates, Inc. and The Trauma Informed Academy
11:15-12:15 Goldilocks Syndrome? Master the Art of Confident Communication. A framework to improve your chances of gaining buy-in from your peers and leaders through authentic, strategic, and effective communication. Explore achievable strategies to improve business relations, increase professional confidence in driving cultural values, gaining buy-in, and improving performance through streamlined, targeted, and persuasive communication tactics that ensure desired outcomes for routine to conflict-based challenges. Raedene Copeland, Ph.D, Founder of Achieve Brand Consulting
2:30-3:45 Lifting As We Climb: Centering our Sisters in Leadership Development. A panel discussion with women in various agencies about leadership development in their careers, including mentorship, barriers, challenges, and resilience. While centered on women of color, it is a conversation for all women to become aware of the oppressive systems harming us and our role in supporting the development of all women by understanding the multiple truths at play in our professional ecosystems. Presenter: Ayanna Colman, J.D., ESD Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Director
Thursday, October 10, 2024 - in-person
Tacoma, WA 8:30AM-12:00PM
Finding Your True North
Anne C. Barrett
At the end of the day, every human being wants to have a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. There is a sweet spot of love, work and play that gets at what we value, what we care about, what we’re talented at, and what we enjoy. This workshop aims to help you clarify and reconnect to your inspirations, strengths, talents, and values and explore what gives you fulfillment in your professional and personal life. Individuals who have a strong sense of their True North experience greater satisfaction, invigoration and longevity in their careers and in life.
Attendees will:
- Reflect on their inspirations, strengths and talents using the Japanese concept of ikigai.
- Explore what constitutes fulfillment in one’s personal and professional life.
- Participate in an exercise designed to articulate one’s action steps toward a more satisfying personal and professional life.
Event will be held the Office of Administrative Hearing Building in Suite 200 located:
4301 S Pine St, Tacoma, WA 98409
This location is across from the Nordstrom in the Tacoma Mall.
Parking is FREE and public transportation available!
Light refreshments will be served.
Thursday, October 10, 2024 - in-person
Spokane Valley, WA 8:30AM-12:00PM
Voice Lessons - Part 1: Effective Communications
Marie Stuppard
As an accomplished leader and trusted advisor, I use my corporate experience to coach and help transform emerging leaders. I specialize in helping professional women who find themselves overlooked for advancement redefine their communication style, learn to effectively advocate for themselves, and take control of their career trajectory. The cornerstone of my coaching program (Voice Lessons) is helping clients communicate effectively.
In this session, we explore the key components of effective interpersonal communications in the workplace.
- Empathic Listening
- Drama Triangle
- The Empowerment Dynamic
- Ladder of Inference, and their impact on workplace communication and collaboration.
The session is a combination of lecture and interactive exercises where the participants will work in groups to practice what was discussed.
Event will be held the Office of Administrative Hearing Building in Suite 3000 located:
16201 E Indiana Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99216
This location is about 6 blocks east of the Spokane Valley Mall, just off Sullivan exit of I-90.
Parking is FREE and public transportation available!
Light refreshments will be served.
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