Louder Together: Intersectionality in Uncertain Times

Save the date! Women’s identities are not one-dimensional, and their experiences are layered, complex, and intersecting. For Women’s History Month, Washington State’s Community-Focus Commissions and the Office of Equity are hosting a panel discussion on the importance of intersectionality in coalition-building, community support, and systems change. Date/Time: Wednesday, March 26 | 6:00 PM – 7:30…

Professional Development, Conference and Public Outreach 2023 Sub-Committee Wrap Up

By Kassandra Drake, Janet McIntosh and Brooke Nutt The Professional Development Subcommittee began 2023 with a focus on our own well-being and mental health. Joan Robison taught ways to lead during challenging times, Brita Montes-Sanders, ANRP, shared how to both survive and support menopause, and Wendy Fraser, PhD, discussed tools to build our relationships and…

Legislative and Policy Update November 2023

The 2023 Legislative Session proved to be another busy year of bill tracking for ICSEW’s Legislative & Policy Subcommittee. During the longer budget session, ICSEW members tracked 17 bills covering a breadth of issues that directly affect state employees. Of the 17 bills that were selected to share information out to the general membership, six…

Gov Inslee Declares Aug 26, 2023 Women’s Equality Day

Gov. Jay Inslee has declared Aug. 26, 2023 as Women’s Equality Day! Read the full text: WHEREAS, recognizing Women’s Equality Day as a day of celebration through the country that emphasizes the importance of women’s work for democracy; and     WHEREAS, women/womxn in the Unites States have continuously worked to gain full rights and privileges…

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on the Bureau of Industrial Insurance Appeals’ intranet and information was compiled by the BIIA’s Diversity Committee and has been re-shared here with permission. From the 1973 Joint Resolution: “Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That August 26,…

13 ICSEW members receive awards at 2023 Transition Celebration

OLYMPIA—Thirteen members of the Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW,  have received awards. They received the awards during the ICSEW’s annual transition celebration July 18 at the Columbia Room at the Washington State Legislative Building in Olympia. It was the first in-person meeting the ICSEW held since January of 2019. Attendees were also able…

What does it mean to be a member of ICSEW? 

What does it mean to be a member of ICSEW?  By Jennifer Ward (Employment Security Department), ICSEW Membership subcommittee  ICSEW was created to provide space and resources to improve the lives of Washington state-employed women through advocacy, outreach, and opportunity. Through collaboration, state agencies drive policy changes in laws and programs related to education, career…

Speaker Call to Action

The Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, ICSEW looking for speakers for our 2023 Professional Development Conference. The conference take place virtually Oct 3-4.  The conference theme is: Engage: Their Past, Our Present, Your Future.  We’re looking for dynamic speakers who can present on topics related to current and historical social inequities, their intersectionalities and…

DIN RADD Awards Nominations Open

  The Disability Inclusion Network (DIN) is thrilled to announce the Second Annual Respect, Acceptance, and Dignity for Persons with Disabilities Awards!   The DIN RADD awards seek to highlight the exceptional work being done throughout state agencies for accessibility, inclusion, and awareness of disabilities in the workplace.   There are five award categories open for nominations.…

Free webinar on Neuroinclusion in the workplace April 27

This article was shared by an ICSEW member via Disability IN: Washington.  Please note: This is not an ICSEW event. If you have questions or need more information, please visit the event organizer’s website. On the heels of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Disability In: Washington, a non-profit organization whose mission focuses on assisting its network of…