Inspirational Keynote Speaker Dr. Karen Johnson at ICSEW Transition
By Cindy Varley
All eyes in the Columbia Room of the Capital Building were gazing at Dr. Karen Johnson during last week’s ICSEW transition meeting. Dr. Johnson, a Strategic Initiatives Executive with the DSHS and involved local citizen, spoke to about 50 women on finding their purpose in life.
The presentation started by Dr. Johnson engaging her audience asking questions like: “Where are we going?” “What are we trying to accomplish?” and “What is our purpose?” To help understand these basic but sometimes hard questions she referenced how an architect completes a project: first, by having a vision; then, writing it on paper; and followed by, taking action in order to have a finished completed project.
Throughout the hour-long presentation, Dr. Johnson asked other questions to the group in order to get the women thinking about who they really are and who they really want to be. She urged women to find their passion by posing the thought: “What does success look like for you when time and money is no object?” The group then shared what their strengths are after considering, “If you are the gift, what is in the box?”
While sharing her own personal struggles and accomplishments, Dr. Johnson shared many encouraging reflections for the women to take with them and contemplate. She urged the group to envision success and be “your authentic self” because “no one can beat you at being you.” Along with not just walking the walk but talking the walk until you can walk the talk.
To wrap up Dr. Johnson brought the group back to their childhood by sharing two children’s books Oh, the Places You’ll Go and The Little Engine That Could, which reinforced and spoke to her message. She left the group with one final thought to “Believe in Yourself.”

Dr. Karen Johnson