Bill Alert: HB 1601

Bill alert HB 1601
Bill alert HB 1601Adobe PDF Document


Creating universal worker protections act

Link to the bill: HB 1601

Why does this bill matter to you?

Creates the Employee Fair Classification Act, which creates new provisions prohibiting the misclassification of employees as independent contractors and creates remedies, including civil penalties and damages.

  • Provides for the creation of workers’ boards, when certain thresholds are met, to set minimum pay rates and other labor standards for workers in certain industries.
  • Establishes procedures for creating portable benefits for workers in certain industries.
  • Specifies certain rights for workers and prohibits retaliation.
  • Requires contributing agents to provide data and reports about workers.
  • Requires the Department of Labor and Industries to investigate complaints, impose sanctions, conduct surveys, and fulfill other duties.

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