Bill Alert: SB 5395

Bill alert SB 5395
Bill Alert SB 5395Adobe PDF Document


Concerning comprehensive sexual health education

Link to the bill: SB 5395

Why does this bill matter to you?

How does it apply to state employed women?
Requires each public school, by September 1, 2020, to provide comprehensive sexual health education as an integral part of the curriculum that is evidence-informed, medically and scientifically accurate, age-appropriate, and inclusive for all students regardless of their protected class status under the state civil rights act, and includes information and skills-based instruction that:
(1) Encourages healthy relationships that are based on mutual respect and affection and are free from violence, coercion, and intimidation;
(2) Teaches how to identify and respond to attitudes and behaviors that contribute to sexual violence; and
(3) Emphasizes the importance of affirmative consent as a requirement before sexual activity. Requires instruction and materials to be inclusive and use language and strategies that recognize all members of a protected class under the state civil rights act. Requires the superintendent of public instruction to develop comprehensive sexual health education instructional materials review tools and make them available on his or her web site.
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