Bill Alert HB 1028
An Act Relating to child exposure to violence and adding a new section to chapter 26.44 RCW and creating a new section.
The multidisciplinary team approach coordinated by children's advocacy centers improves interagency communication, increases the effectiveness of the investigation and prosecution of child abuse, and results in fewer interviews with and less trauma for the child. However, the current language defining children's advocacy centers was written more than 20 years ago, when such centers were just beginning to develop in our state. Additionally, current language defining child forensic interviews were also written at a time when there were few, if any, designated specialized child forensic interviewers in Washington. Children's exposure to violence in Washington state is occurring at an alarming rate and is a traumatic, adverse experience that can have severe and long-lasting consequences. This traumatic disruption of healthy development is a significant public health crisis. This bill would expand the scope of children’s advocacy centers to include addressing the needs of children exposed to violence and would allow child forensic interview recordings of closed cases to be used as part of a structured and confidential peer review. In addition, the definition of a “child forensic interview” is updated to ensure the interview is developmentally sensitive, legally sound, and culturally responsive. |
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