Dr. of Dentistry and Community Outreach…

Dr. Rosalie Reddick Miller
Dr. Rosalie Reddick Miller, born in Georgia December 29, 1925, attended all African-American public schools and lived through her fair share of discrimination and segregation. Her father continued to tell her that she would become a dentist and, in 1951, Rosalie received her D.D.S from Fisk College. During the 1950’s in Georgia, Miller and her husband were active participants in the struggle for voting rights. In 1960, the mother of four passed her Washington State Dental Examination and gave birth to her fifth child in 1961. While caring for her children, she was an active member of the League of Women Voters and worked on the Forward Thrust Planning Committee. Dr. Miller worked with the Group Health Dental Cooperative, served as the director for the Community Health Board of Model Cities, and directed outreach programs to teach dental education. From 1976 to 1991, Rosalie served as the Assistant Professor of Dentistry; she was a mentor and a true advocate of the patient. Her greatest success was her 50 year marriage and the success of her children.