Legislation Update

As we continue into another Special Session the Legislative and Policy Subcommittee will continue to update you on currently moving bills. If an item is adopted into law or dead it will be removed from the list.
ICSEW encourages each person to let your voice be heard and to be your own advocate. Start by reading through the bills identified below. And on your own time, contact your legislators to share your opinion.
Equal Pay/Employment
HB 1506 Addressing workplace practices to achieve gender pay equity. May 29: First reading, referred to Commerce, Labor & Sports. Change from Last Week: Moved from house to senate in special session.
Family Medical Leave/Women’s Health
Dead items we were tracking: 1116, 5032, 5295, and 5140
Items we tracked that passed: 5835
Others to watch: 1434, 1796
SHB 1234: Addressing Private Health Plan Coverage of Contraceptives ‐ Requires health plans that cover contraceptive drugs to reimburse a 12‐month refill of contraceptive drugs obtained at one time.